Dr. Kalil Anvardeen
Cardiologist and consultant at various public and private Hospitals
Kalilur Anvardeen (Kalil) completed his medical degree (MBBS) from India in 2003. Prior to starting his physician training at Royal Perth Hospital in 2006, he worked as a senior house medical officer in India and Barnsley General District Hospital, UK. He completed three years of advanced cardiology training at Sir Charles Gairdner and Royal Perth Hospitals in 2013. He subsequently undertook specialised fellowship training in echocardiography at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and then worked as a Consultant Cardiologist in Townsville, QLD.
Kalil’s passion for research and echocardiography persuaded him to undertake a further fellowship in advanced echocardiography at the North America’s Centre of Excellence and the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Canada where he worked closely with world experts in echocardiography including Dr Ian Burwash and Dr Kwan Chan.
Dr Kalil is well known in and around the Midland area for his caring nature towards his patients and simplicity in explaining the heart conditions. He works closely with local GPs who can speak to him with touch of a button if needed. He is been involved in regular educational specialists talk for GPs. He actively manages inpatients at St John of God Midland public and private hospitals. He is a visiting echo cardiologist at Fiona Stanley Hospital.
Dr Kalil continuously involved in teaching junior doctors at St John of God Hospital, Midland and the cardiology trainee registrars at Fiona Stanley Hospital. His echocardiographic teaching skills is been appreciated by many sonographers and cardiology trainees around WA.
Dr Kalil is interested in preventive cardiology, valvular heart disease and cancer chemotherapy induced cardiomyopathy. He works closely with his other sub specialists colleagues.